What Makes A Good Voice In A Text-to-Speech Converter?
/Text-to-speech converters nowadays, are becoming pretty sophisticated with different languages and features. Different companies are including all kinds of unique features into their platforms. Professionals tend to find this particular technology useful, especially when it comes to taking notes or creating documentation.
One of the best features that most converters have is the variety of natural voices that users can employ for their text to speech needs. Some of the main reasons why text-to-speech natural voices are preferred are listed below.
These have not been presented in any particular order and there are certainly other factors that make a great natural voice.
Not Monotone
One of the main things that can make or break a natural voice in a text-to-speech converter is a voice that sounds like a robot. A monotone voice is just not appealing to listen to. It is like being back in the classroom and listening to a teacher or professor read off something from the board using the same voice.
The technology in text-to-speech converters is vastly improving as the voices now sound less monotone.
The most sophisticated natural voices actually put their own spin on switching up the tone so that it sounds real.
If you put something in all caps or put emphasis on a sentence, a natural voice should pick that up and speak as you would to a friend or coworker. The tone is something that can really make a natural voice sound more real and give users a better experience.
Everyone from all around the world says different words in a certain way. Once you get past the monotone or robotic voice in some text-to-speech converters, you then need an accent to make it sound natural.
The good thing is that good converters actually have a ton of different voices to choose from that can help users get the desired accent to listen to and speak from the text. Australians or very southern English speakers have different accents that are desirable for some users if they are used to such accents.
These three aspects of a natural voice are just some of the ways of making a natural voice seem more appealing to users. It would be interesting to see how much innovation will happen in this niche to make natural voices sound even better.
Who knows? Some text-to-speech converters might even be able to record your voice into their software in the future for more of a personal touch.
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