What You Should Know If You're Considering An Investment Banking Career
/A lot of analysts view investment banking as the best industry to launch their careers in for a variety of reasons. The investment banking career path can serve as a platform for learning how to create professional memos, presentations, models as well as establishing discipline throughout your career. The investment world can also serve as a breeding ground for people going into private equity, hedge funds, venture capital and entrepreneurs. In college particularly, everyone is competing for the same entry-level positions and investment banking is one of the toughest to break into.
Usually, summer interns receive full time offers from the investment banks, and it’s very rare for a non-intern to secure an investment banking analyst position.
So, who exactly is an investment banking analyst?
An investment banking analyst begins their career in investment banking usually at the bottom of the organization with little to no experience. They typically have to execute tasks like inputting data, formatting documents and editing financial models.
It’s a tough job, especially for someone just starting out, but it can prove to be a lucrative one if you play your cards right and move up the ranks.
So, what is the life of an investment banker like?
It’s not a fun one. It requires a lot of time, sacrifice, hard work and energy. There will often be times you’ll have to change plans or stay late in the office to finish a project, but that’s investment banking. To remain in this career path for 1-2 years under challenging work conditions is not for everyone. It’s a wicked struggle that requires true belief, real motivation and hardcore sacrifice daily.
If you are able to make it to the end of the tunnel however, the opportunities awaiting you are almost endless. Any finance, investment, or consulting company would value someone who is experienced in investment banking.
Investment banking is a tough first job but one that opens a lot of doors. If you choose to launch an investment banking career, make sure you are ready for some tough times ahead, and be willing to work your tail off. It’s a ruthless industry that is almost a guarantee to make you burn out but if you’re able to make it through, it can be great for your career. If you pursue a banking career, make sure you are ready to sacrifice and work hard.
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