Roles And Permissions Matrix
/A roles and permissions matrix, an audit requirement in some organizations, is used to ensure that business activities are covered by identifying the responsibilities and roles linked to them.
Once roles are assigned, the activities under each role are then linked to the persons that may perform those activities within the business. A role can be assigned to several employees who share common functions. Staff with the same job title may perform different roles on the system and staff with different job titles may perform the same role on the system.
The roles and permissions matrix is particularly important as it serves as a reference point for checks and balances within the system, since individuals are prevented from performing actions outside their roles and authorities.
It is depicted in a tabular format with the roles contained in vertical columns while activities are shown on the individual rows. The steps involved in developing this matrix are as follows:
Identify Roles
Roles are identified using organograms, job descriptions, and user guides, to name a few. The BA may also review what has been documented with stakeholders to confirm completion.
Document and Check Completeness of Activities
Activities may be identified by the BA using process models or functional diagrams.
Identify Authorities
Authorities are the actions that roles are allowed to perform. During this exercise, the level of security needed should be considered per authority so that the right level of access is granted.
Read more on The Role of Business Analysts in Roles & Permissions Mapping
User story maps are an interesting and collaborative way of eliciting user requirements. One of the reasons why I find it so powerful is because it provides a unique approach for aligning discussions relating to the user, their goals, the process that supports the accomplishment of their predefined goals; and the requirements that need to be addressed to solve business problems.