20 Nuggets for Conducting Stakeholder Interviews

20 Nuggets for Conducting Stakeholder Interviews

The quote by William Shatner certainly underscores the importance of the interview as a fact-finding technique. While interviews provide analysts the opportunity to learn about stakeholders’ needs, stakeholders in the process of being interviewed, also start to unravel the intricacies of what they want – their elusive requirements.

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The Role of Business Analysts in UAT Sessions

The Role of Business Analysts in UAT Sessions

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a phase in the software development life cycle where the intended users of a system participate in validating that the solution meets their needs. There are varying perspectives to the definition of UAT. While some see the UAT as a “test of requirements”, others argue that the same deficiencies missed in the framing of requirements will be missed during testing if this philosophy is adopted.

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Emotional Intelligence & The Business Analyst

Emotional Intelligence & The Business Analyst

Emotional Intelligence is about identifying and understanding other people's emotions with the objective of channelling these emotions towards a positive outcome. A person with a high emotional intelligence is able to decipher his emotions as well as that of others to help him form healthy working relationships.

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The 80-20 Rule: The Law of the Vital Few & The Trivial Many

The 80-20 Rule: The Law of the Vital Few & The Trivial Many

What if it’s only 20% of the requirements that will actually deliver the most (80%) business value? What if it’s only 20% of the business problems that cause the most issues within the organization? Focusing on key issues and tasks instead of attempting to tackle everything at once can help you achieve huge benefits in the short term. 

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10 Process Components You Should Define

 10 Process Components You Should Define

Defining (and documenting) a process is one of the first steps to understanding how it works. Process improvement starts first with understanding how the process works, so whether you’re interviewing process participants or observing a process, here are 10 process components that will help you arrive at a high-level description of the process.

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8 Requirements Elicitation Tips You Should Know

8 Requirements Elicitation Tips You Should Know

Business analysts often have to deal with the volatile nature of requirements, scope creep and the difficulties inherent in ensuring that stakeholder groups have a common understanding of requirements. Requirements elicitation at its core is difficult to accomplish, due to the nature of requirements. This post is a compilation of 8 tips you can apply to improve the outcome of your requirements elicitation effort. Guest Post By Melisa Marzett.

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Lean Principles & Business Process Improvement

Lean Principles & Business Process Improvement

Peter F. Drucker once stated:

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.

If you understand lean principles and are able to examine the business from the customer’s perspective, you start to understand what adds value, what doesn’t add value and can discuss along these lines with stakeholders on how improvements can be made.

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3 Quick Tips for Requirements Sign-off

3 Quick Tips for Requirements Sign-off

When sign-offs are sought without political undertones and with the right intentions, there are certainly benefits to be had. The sign-off process should be approached as an opportunity for discovery that allows stakeholders to ask questions and get clarification on their areas of concern. A huge benefit of obtaining sign-off on requirements is that it indicates stakeholders are aware of, and are committed to seeing the solution live and in action.

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7 Practical Ways To Persuade Stakeholders

7 Practical Ways To Persuade Stakeholders

Personally I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. So when I went fishing, I didn’t think about what I wanted. I thought about what the fish wanted. I didn't bait the hook with strawberries and cream. Rather, I dangled a worm or grasshopper in front of the fish and said: "Wouldn't you like to have that?" Why not use the same approach when fishing for people? ― Dale CarnegieHow to Win Friends & Influence People. Guest Post By Nicola Joseph.

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Effective Requirements Review Sessions: Before, During & After

Effective Requirements Review Sessions: Before, During & After

Requirements Review Sessions or Structured Walkthroughs are designed to communicate, check and confirm requirements with stakeholders. During these sessions, participants are expected to ask and respond to questions, proffer suggestions and provide comments on the solution that is about to be implemented. To maximize the limited time you have with stakeholders, follow these key steps to ensure you get it right the first time.

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Managing Analysis Paralysis

Managing Analysis Paralysis

Analysis Paralysis is based on the premise that by delaying decisions or committing to a particular direction, there's more time to gather new information, conduct analysis and present recommendations to the business. This premise only holds true for a while though. At some point, the law of diminishing returns sets in – the extra information collected and the extra time devoted to analysis no longer add any significant value to the project.

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